Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Home Sweet Home

 Home Sweet Lien 

When working on residential properties gather as much information as you can about your customer(s). For example, say "John and Jane Home-Owner" have been paying you consistently throughout the duration of the project and now that you have completed your work they are disputing the charges and avoiding your calls. When this happens having the following information can prove beneficial.

-  Is the project being financed? If so by who - the property owner, a bank, etc.?
-Does your customer own the property? Or have they recently taken possession of the property?
-Is your customer planning on living in the house for two or more years?
-If the property is in the process of being sold, has the sale gone through yet?

All of these questions can help you determine if filing a lien may be the best route when it comes to non-payment.

Residential properties can be difficult to lien. The best scenario for filing a lien is when a project is being financed by a third party or if the house is in the process of being sold. Liens hold up any monetary transactions or land transfers dealing with the property. Your customer will not be able to sell their property, re-mortgage, or continue to receive financing for their property until the lien is dealt with. If the sale has already been finalized and the final draw has been made from financing, filing a lien against the home may not be your best option.

If you have a situation that involves a residential property and you are unsure whether a lien is the best fit for you, give Alysia a call for your FREE consultation at 1-866-266-0117 ext. 351

Negotiating 101 . . . part 4  

Now we get to the fun part...try these tactics - they really do work!
  1. The Nibble - Once you have negotiated your deal, ask for a little something extra.  For example: "That new truck does come with a full tank of gas doesn't it?"  The counter to this is to make the other person feel cheap for even asking because they negotiated such a great deal.
  2. The Hot Potato - This is where someone makes their problem your problem.  The counter to the Hot Potato is to check to see if the other persons problem really is a problem or just a stalling tactic.
  3. The Higher Authority Gambit - This is where you negotiate your best deal and the other person thinks it is over, then you say you just have to run this past your boss or "The Board".  The counter to this is to determine before the negotiation begins that you are dealing with the final decision maker.
  4. The Set-Aside Technique To Avoid An Impasse - If you and your opponent can't agree on a particular item, don't get held up on that one item as it can have negative consequences and could possibly torpedo the whole deal.  Instead say "Let's just put that one to the side for a moment and come back to that".  Get agreements on a few more things then come back to the sticky items.  You'll find your opponent will likely concede the issue to you or be willing to offer a mutually acceptable compromise.

In the next newsletter we will cover the following Gambits:
  • Use of Arbitrators 
  • Good Guy/Bad Guy 
  • Feel, Felt, Found Formula 
  • Dumb is Smart; Smart is Dumb  

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